MEP backs World Day for Animals in Laboratories

Jean Lambert MEP is supporting World Day for Animals in Laboratories on 24 April 2009, and will be attending the rally in central London on Saturday 25 April. She said:

"I’m pleased to be supporting the World Day for Animals in Laboratories. Animal testing is an inhumane and outdated process, and scientists have demonstrated that there is a strong case against it. The statistics are appalling: in the EU, 12 million animals are used in tests every year, suffering fear, distress and intolerable pain.

"Next month the European Parliament will vote on a new directive intended to increase protection of animals used in scientific research. It doesn’t go far enough, and the Greens are fighting to improve it. We want dedicated funding for non-animal research methods.

"I hope Saturday’s demonstration will raise the profile of this issue and open public debate, so that we can ultimately bring an end to this cruel and unnecessary practice."


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