Sri Lanka: MEPS call for immediate ceasefire so civilians can leave combat zone

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Sri Lanka calling for an immediate ceasefire by the Sri Lankan army and the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Ealam (LTTE) in order to allow the civilian population to leave the combat zone.

It is estimated that 170,000 civilians are trapped in the battle zone between the Sri Lankan army and the forces of the LTTE without access to the most basic aid.

Jean Lambert, London Green Party MEP and Member of the Human Rights Sub-Committee in the European Parliament, said:

"The Parliament has today sent a strong message to both the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Government that it condemns the attacks on civilians. MEPs are very concerned about reports of serious overcrowding and poor conditions in the refugee camps and we have called on both sides to respect international humanitarian law.

"The civilian population urgently needs protection and assistance and humanitarian organisations must be granted full access to the area. We call on the Sri Lankan Government to cooperate with countries and aid organisations to evacuate those civilians in need of medical assistance or who wish to leave, and provide aid and support to those who stay."

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