Mayor’s promise to direct LDA on home insulation

The London Mayor has promised that he will direct the LDA Board to provide money for home insulation if its Board does not voluntarily reject the recommendations from officers not to fund measures to ‘green’ homes.

Darren Johnson said:

"I welcome the Mayor’s determination to make good his promise to fund home insulation in London, but even though the budget has now been passed, the mayor still doesn’t know where the money will come from, nor how much is needed, for his home insulation plans." 

"A direction to the LDA over home insulation, combined with his recent decision to direct the LDA to give £15m to grass root sport, is opening the mayor to the same accusations of ‘pet projects’ which he threw at the previous administration. The reason why the mayor is in this situation of considering directing the LDA, it is because he hasn’t been clear on his vision for London’s environment."


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