Assembly says Heathrow expansion is a ‘massive mistake’

 Commenting on the imminent announcement that the Government will give the go ahead to the expansion of Heathrow airport, Darren Johnson AM, Chair of the London Assembly Environment Committee, said:

"Expanding Heathrow airport is a massive mistake.  The London Assembly has carefully considered evidence from interest groups and individuals – both in favour of and against the proposals – and we remain unconvinced that the expansion of Heathrow is essential to the well-being of London and the wider UK economy. 

"We also believe that the noise and air quality conditions likely to be placed on a third runway and sixth terminal will not take into account the full impact the expansion will have on people living in the capital.  London’s government is against Heathrow expansion – I find it hard to believe how central government can justify their decision."

Notes to Editors:
1.    The Environment Committee will discuss this issue at a public meeting on 4 February 2009.

2.   The Environment Committee investigation examined whether the proposed expansion of Heathrow Airport is feasible in light of Department for Transport (DfT) findings into the impact expanding Heathrow would have on air quality, noise levels and surface access transport.

3.   The Assembly’s draft response to the DfT consultation is available at:

4.   As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

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