Mayor Johnson questioned on cuts to ‘safe cycling’

Jenny Jones will ask the Mayor of London at tomorrow’s Mayor’s Question Time to finish the London Cycle Network Plus (LCN+), rather than switch funds to the cycling superhighways project. It has also emerged that only £44.8m will actually be spent on cycling this year, not the £55m planned by the mayor.

Jenny Jones said:

"There is a gap between the mayor’s promises on cycling and delivery. The mayor is making a bad mistake in dumping the LCN+, which is delivering safer roads for cyclists, in favour of a brand new project. Whilst I support the idea of cycling superhighways, but they are completely untested and were originally designed as an addition to the LCN+ not a substitute for it."

"Local cyclists have given thousands of hours of their time to draw up hundreds of schemes with traffic engineers which are now ready to be built. Over two-thirds of the LCN+ schemes to make roads safer for cyclists will have to be dropped or postponed as a result of reducing the budget by £10 million. I will be calling on the mayor to reverse his cut to the funding of the LCN+ ahead of the introduction of Vélib in 2010"

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