MEP condemns attacks on Gaza at London demo

In response to the Israeli incursion into Gaza, a massive demonstration is taking place in London tomorrow to appeal for an immediate ceasefire. Jean Lambert, the Green Party MEP for London, will be joining other speakers including Tony Benn, in calling on Israel to halt the attacks and demanding that the international community plays its part to stop the conflict.

Jean Lambert MEP, who was previously named MEP of the Year for her work on Justice and Human Rights, said:

"This weekend a massive demonstration will be taking place in London to call for an immediate and complete ceasefire in Gaza. There is no way to justify this continued devastating assault and granting only three hours of respite a day is simply shameful.

"When I was in Gaza almost a year ago, I witnessed the terrible suffering of the Palestinians as a result of the blockade. They lacked the most basic supplies, including food and essential medical equipment. With many hundreds dead and thousands injured the present situation must be truly horrendous.

"The blockade has totally failed in its stated purpose. It has instead consolidated the power of those parts of Hamas that don’t want a political settlement and weakened the possibility of peaceful, democratic progress.

"As well as the emergency humanitarian response, extensive supplies of health, housing and education resources will be needed to rebuild the shattered lives and communities.

"The EU needs a strong voice on this conflict, calling for a sustained ceasefire on both sides. The European Parliament has voted for EU Governments, including the UK, to halt any upgrading of relations with Israel in light of on-going human rights abuses. It is also time for Member States to take responsibility and end the exports of arms which are being used against civilians. This brutality must not go on."  

The demonstration will assemble at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park at 12.30pm on Saturday 10 January and participants will march to the Israeli Embassy on High Street Kensington, W8, where there will be speakers from 2.30pm to 3pm.

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