Green Homes programme needs expanding, not disbanding

A year ago the flagship London Green Homes Service was launched by the previous Mayor of London and the London Development Agency. The service was designed to help Londoners cut climate emissions and fuel costs by making their homes more energy efficient. Now the London Development Agency has axed the Green Homes Service from its plans for next year and beyond. This was confirmed today by LDA chief executive, Peter Rogers, under questioning by Darren Johnson at the Assembly’s budget committee.

Darren commented,
"While I am pleased the London Development Agency are working to improve energy efficiency in the commercial and public sector, I am absolutely dismayed to hear that the LDA’s Green Homes programme is to be axed. Londoners desperately need help, advice and support to make their homes greener. The Green Homes programme needs expanding, not disbanding.

"With London facing a big freeze, there couldn’t be a worse time to scrap the programme. With nearly one in ten Londoners facing possible job loss and far more facing financial hardship, we need this programme more than ever to provide jobs and save households money on fuel bills as well as to cut climate emissions. A London wide programme to insulate and draught proof every London home over three years, and fit energy saving equipment, such as solar water heating, over 15 years, could create up to 17,000 new jobs for builders, joiners, plumbers, electricians, roofers, heating and structural engineers and builders’ supply merchants."




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