Ian Blair’s legacy

Jenny Jones said:

"Ian Blair put bobbies back on the beat in London and reduced crime.  The successful roll out of safer neighbourhood teams across the whole
of London was a major achievement and provides real value for money for London’s council tax payers. It is a legacy which must be defended and I will be pressing the mayor to ensure that budget cuts don’t lead to reductions in front line policing. Ian Blair also ensured that a higher proportion of officers came from Black and Ethnic Minorities in London, as well as a larger number of women in senior positions in the Metropolitan Police. Promoting equalities and breaking the canteen culture was a major challenge and remains a big challenge for the next commissioner.

"Ian Blair didn’t always get things right and some mistakes were made, but he did try to pursue a progressive agenda and promote policing by consent. I hope that the next commissioner will build on these substantial achievements."

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