Road humps have saved lives and stopped injuries

Responding to the London mayor’s letter to local authorities regarding road humps, Jenny Jones said:

"While not my favourite option, speed bumps have been an extremely effective, and relatively cheap, way of reducing road deaths and casualties. It would be very rash for a local authority to decide never to use them again and the London mayor will have to raise the road safety budget in order to finance the more expensive alternatives. Along with speed cameras, chicanes and police officers, road humps should be part of the armoury to save lives on the road."

"The mayor is urging boroughs to look at alternatives to road humps, but at the same time he is stopping local authorities from moving towards 20mph default speed limits, not enforced by engineering. If the London mayor seriously wants to get rid of road humps, whilst still saving lives, then he must also promote the use of average time/distance cameras."


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