Oyster card failures

Jenny Jones has discovered that 29,000 Oyster cards for under 16s have failed and been replaced in the last year. Transport for London claim that over half of these withdrawn cards were damaged. Jenny Jones requested the information from the Mayor following complaints from the parents of children who have been stopped from travelling on buses as a result of the card not working.

Jenny Jones said:

"This failure rate is completely unacceptable and I hope that the new Oyster card contract will stop this from happening in the future.  Despite the advice to drivers to use their discretion, many children are still being stopped from getting on the bus and are left to walk home on their own. I think it is important that drivers are made aware of the scale of the card failures and don’t punish the children for what is a problem with the system."

Jenny Jones is our candidate for London Mayor 2012. For more information on her campaign, please visit www.jennyforlondon.org

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