2012 Games’ legacy must not be compromised, warns Assembly

The London Assembly has unanimously called on the Olympic Delivery
Authority (ODA) to ensure the Assembly is consulted on any future
proposals that could weaken the 2012 Games’ legacy and environmental
sustainability standards as a result of the mounting cost pressures
arising from the current economic climate.

Proposing the amendment to the motion Darren Johnson AM said:

"One of the key features of the capital’s successful bid for 2012 was
to deliver a London Games bringing long-term benefits for Londoners
together with hosting the most sustainable Games ever.

"Yes, there are cost pressures as a result of the global economic
downturn but we simply cannot compromise on the environmental and
legacy features the original bid was built on.

"We welcome the positive assurances the ODA have given the Assembly on
the issue. London must not follow the Athens scenario where
sustainability promises were swept aside due to financial pressures."

The full text of the motion is as follows:

"The Assembly notes the answers given to the questions asked and
expresses its concern that private contributions to meeting the cost
of the London Olympics and Paralympics will be significantly less than
originally envisaged because of the unavailability of credit within
global financial markets.

Despite these funding difficulties, and mindful of the need to keep
budgets under control, this Assembly does not believe that the quality
of the long-term legacy offer or environmental sustainability and
accessibility standards are appropriate targets for cost reductions,
and it notes the assurances given by the ODA today. Given that
Londoners’ support for a sustainable 2012 Games played a central role
in London’s successful bid, this Assembly expects to be fully
consulted on any proposal that may weaken the environmental
sustainability and accessibility standards, or adversely affect the
legacy offer, of the 2012 Games."


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