Mayor failed to consult over Ian Blair, MPA confirms

The following motion, moved by Jenny Jones AM at the Metropolitan
Police Authority, was passed today:

"We believe that decisions concerning the confidence of Londoners in
their Commissioner need to be taken by the Metropolitan Police
Authority, with its cross party and independent membership, reflecting
a broad range of Londoners views."

Jenny also called for a hand count of Metropolitan Police Authority
members, which showed that a clear majority had not been consulted.

Jenny Jones, commented:

"It is clear that when the Mayor took over as chair of the
Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and told the Commissioner that he
had no confidence in him, he should have been speaking on behalf of
the Authority. Yet it is also clear that the Mayor did not consult all
the members of the Authority about whether they wanted Ian Blair to go.

"It is important that we that have policing by consent in London and
that means having a consensus on the MPA about policing. The way the
Mayor usurped the authority of the MPA over Ian Blair’s resignation
broke that consensus, as he failed to listen to a range of Londoners’
views, as represented on the MPA."

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