Green MEP criticizes Government plan to delay compliance with air quality standards

Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, has spoken out against Government plans to seek a derogation from their air quality targets as set by the EU.

Speaking ahead of EU Car Free Day on Sunday 21 September, Jean Lambert said:

"This year there are Car Free Day events taking place all over the capital and the London Freewheel is set for a second successful year. These coincide with European Mobility Week and all over Europe people will be celebrating walking, cycling and alternative transport.

"The theme for this year is Clean Air for All so it’s a shame that the Government continues to fail Londoners by allowing our air quality to fall below internationally agreed standards. Furthermore, it is outrageous that the Government is now about to apply to the European Commission to further delay to its deadline for compliance.

"Poor air quality presents a major threat to public health and it is imperative that the Government commits to fully comply with the new EU Air Quality Directive standards as early as possible."

In London it is estimated that over 1000 people die and a further 1000 are hospitalised as a result of poor air quality every year. Around 80 per cent of air pollution in London is caused by road transport.

Earlier this year, Jean Lambert revealed that at all but one of the 47 monitoring stations across London the average level of NO2 consistently exceeds current air quality standards and the average level of PM10 has exceeded current standards at 6 sites.

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