Cutting police accountability ‘counter-productive’

Jenny Jones is questioning the use of London as a pilot area for thescrapping of police stop and account forms. She will raise the issue,through the Assembly, with London’s Mayor, who also takes over asChair of the Metropolitan Police Authority in October.

This morning it was announced that London officers would soon nolonger have to use the form, which was introduced in the aftermath ofthe murder of Stephen Lawrence.

"This form was introduced to ensure that police powers are usedproportionately and fairly. Any reduction in the accountability ofpolice risks the over use of serious powers. This would only serve tofurther alienate young Londoners at a time when encouraging them toreject gang culture and cooperate with the police is a vital part ofending the crisis of young Londoners being murdered by their peers."

"Carrying out this policy would be counter-productive, furtherendangering community safety and costing more in the end."

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