Mayor must protect our air

Responding to reports that London’s air quality is so bad that thecapital faces unlimited European fines, Darren Johnson, Green PartyLondon Assembly Member, has told the London Mayor that trafficreduction is unavoidable if he wants to stop the court action.

"Boris has clearly stated that traffic reduction has a role to play inimproving air quality and preserving the health of Londoners.Technological change, on its own, will not deliver the improvementsfast enough. With hundreds of thousands of Londoners exposed todangerously polluted air everyday, it is time for the Mayor to act."

"Unfortunately, of the few clear decisions that Boris has taken sofar, many will worsen, not improve air quality. He has cancelled atraffic reduction scheme at Parliament Square, dropped publicprocurement of hydrogen cars and is consulting about reversing thewestern extension of the congestion charging?"

"Rather than saying one thing and doing another, London’s new Mayormust show that the health of Londoners is his priority by taking carsoff the roads, replacing them with cyclists, pedestrians, and publictransport."

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