Green MEP speaks out over detained journalist

Jean Lambert MEP has today spoken out over the treatment a detained Sri Lankan journalist, whose case she previously raised at a meeting with the Sri Lankan President. At that time, JS Tissainayagam was under detention without charge and was being kept in poor conditions. His health was suffering and instructions to Magistrates to improve his situation had not been carried out.

Ms Lambert also met with Mr Tissainayagam’s wife while in Sri Lanka regarding his case. The journalist was held for more than five months before being charged with publishing and distributing a magazine, alleged to have brought the government into disrepute.

Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, said:

"Now the authorities have at last come to a decision, it is important that due process is observed. He should be allowed to meet with his lawyers in private and there should be full disclosure of the evidence to his defence team. Sri Lanka prides itself on its democracy and that requires protecting human rights, even in times of conflict."


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