Forest Hill Greens fight for swimming baths’ future

Local Greens are backing the campaign to prevent the demolition of the Victorian swimming baths in Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill. Over a thousand local people have signed a petition to save the historic baths.

These are the oldest pools in London that have been in continuous use since opening in 1884. They closed in 2006 due to serious problems with the roof. The pools form part of an historic group of buildings which include a school, a library and a Girls Industrial Home.

Lewisham Borough Council plan to demolish the pools building and the Home, Louise House. The campaign is calling for the Superintendent’s Block of the Pools, much more than just the facade of the pools building, and Louise House, to be retained and converted as necessary in any new scheme to provide new pools for the community.

Lewisham Council has failed to offer any options in the consultation plans that would retain these buildings. These buildings are attractive, in good order, and well loved by members of the community. The mayor, Steve Bullock, is set to call in the bulldozers just before a conservation area review takes place.

If Louise House receives Listed status then the campaign will have won part of the battle.

Historically, aesthetically and environmentally the arguments are all in favour of retaining these buildings. In the current economic climate the figures put forward for schemes that rely on fundraising from the sale of flats built on the site of the current buildings are not convincing. An earlier campaign fought to "prevent demolition before designs". No plans had been produced or costed, but demolition dates were being organized.

Destroying such a magnificent part of the local heritage would be a terrible mistake. Rushing such a decision in this current economic climate could realistically leave the area with a cultural hole and a moth balled building site.

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