Green Party supports Unison strike over pay

Green Party councillors are picketing Brighton Town Hall alongside Unison members and Greens across the country are supporting other strike actions.

Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, who specialises in employment and equality issues, said:

“I wholeheartedly support UNISON’s call for fair pay for local Government workers. New research has found that public sector wages are around 30% lower than in the private sector and that is not beneficial for workers or for public services. As the cost of living increases public sector workers should not be expected to suffer disproportionately. Local government workers deserve a fair deal and that is why I am supporting the strike action on 16th and 17th July.

"This is not he first time the Government has tried to push Local Governemnt workers to accept below inflation wage rises. Many workers have receieved inadequate increases for the last decade and that is simply unsustainable."

Principal Speaker Derek Wall also lent his support, saying:

"I am proud that the Green Party is fully in support of today’s action and that Greens nationwide are rallying to support Unison. It is all very well for Alistair Darling to call for pay ‘restraint’ but when inflation is rising at 3.8%, an offer of 2.45% is actually a pay cut. Hardworking public sector workers need to be paid properly; they should not be made to foot the bill for New Labour’s economic failings."

Speaking at the conference of the Green Party Trade Union Group, fellow Green MEP Caroline Lucas told delegates:

"The Green Party’s record of championing Trade Union priorities, from defending public services from privatisation through to promoting a Living Wage, demonstrates that the Greens are the real party of social justice."

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