European Commission to go ahead with horizontal anti-discrimination Directive

The European Commission stated late yesterday that it will go ahead with bringing forward a horizontal Directive to combat discrimination in access to goods and services on grounds of disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief and age.

Jean Lambert, the London Green Party MEP and Member of the European Parliament Intergroups on Ageing, Anti-Racism, Disability and Gay and Lesbian Rights, congratulated the Commission on their decision, which will end the hierarchy of legal protection from discrimination.

She said:

"I whole-heartedly welcome this announcement from the Commission that it will stand by its original promise. This decision is in no small part due to the enormous response from equality groups calling for an inclusive Directive. I congratulate all those who supported the progressive voices in the European Parliament and have lobbied hard, written to the Commission, signed petitions and spoken up for equal rights.

"The Commission has recognised that it is essential to provide legal protection for all and end the hierarchy which currently exists. I look forward to hearing more from Commissioner designate, M. Barrot, at his hearing before the Parliament’s Citizens’ Freedoms Committee in Strasbourg on Monday."

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