Green MEP calls on UK Government to stop Iraqi deportations

Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, will speak out against the forced deportation of Iraqi asylum seekers tonight in Westminster. She will be joined on the platform by John McDonnell MP and a coalition of refugee groups, all fighting to prevent further returns to Iraq. The event will take place from 7pm in the Boothroyd Room at Portcullis House and all are welcome to attend.

Other speakers will include Jacqueline Parlevliet, Deputy Representative for UNHCR, Tim Finch from the Refugee Council and Dashty Jamal, Secretary of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees.

The British Government has refused most claims for asylum by Iraqi nationals in the last 10 years and recently returned a further 50 refused asylum seekers to Ain Kawa in South Kurdistan on 27 March. It is estimated that almost five million Iraqis have been displaced by violence in their country since 2003, the vast majority of whom have been forced to relocate internally or have fled to surrounding Syria, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and the Gulf States.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Jean Lambert MEP said:

"It is disgraceful that the UK Government is continuing to deport Iraqi refugees to a country that is still extremely dangerous. The deaths toll mounts on a daily basis and only this week fresh reports have emerged of an increase in the barbaric ‘honour killings’ of young women. The rise in this type of violence indicates a serious break-down in the fabric of Iraqi society.

"The European Parliament has taken the view that no country should be forcibly returning people to Iraq and members of the Iraqi Parliament agree that return is dangerous and potentially destabilising for the country itself.

"This is yet another example of the UK Government’s determination to increase the numbers of people being deported over-riding their commitments to human rights."

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