Siân is best for small business, says FSB

The Federation of Small Businesses’ London Policy Unit has praised Siân Berry’s policies as the most sympathetic to the needs of small enterprise in London.

In a mailing to all of the FSB’s members in the capital, the Federation says:

"There is a strong case for saying that the Green candidate Siân Berry is most "on message" with what we are saying, followed by Boris Johnson for the Conservatives, with Lib Dem Brian Paddick trailing in third place ahead of current Mayor Ken Livingstone."

Ken Livingstone is described as being "more engaged with large business and the multinationals," while the document predicts that FSB members will be "disappointed" with both Boris Johnson and Brian Paddick.

The FSB mailing goes on to highlight some of Siân’s key policies, including:

  • Making 50% of trading space in new large developments available to small businesses at affordable rents.
  • Turning City Airport into a Green Industries Park to provide new business premises and affordable housing.
  • Making the GLA more transparent and accountable, with LDA and planning meetings held in public.
  • Providing a residents’ discount to one vehicle per businesses in the C-charge zone, and loans to help with Low Emission Zone compliance.

Siân said:

"Greens have been working to promote small business for years, and I’m delighted that the FSB have confirmed that we’ve been getting it right by rating our manifesto as the best for London.

"I agree with the FSB that Ken Livingstone has been too close to big business to secure the future of the smaller companies that are the bedrock of our economy.

"The FSB say Boris Johnson is only second best for them, and he would come with enough Tory AMs not to have to listen to pro-small-business Greens. The best result for small business is more Greens on the Assembly and a Mayor who has to negotiate with them to get his budget through, as Livingstone has.

"We could be heading into tough times economically and we can’t rely on finance multinationals who can and will easily leave London if that looks beneficial to them. We need a more resilient economy to see us through a recession, and my policies to let small business in all sectors flourish in London will help to build that economy."

Siân launched her business manifesto last Friday, along with her online directory of green businesses,

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