London MEP denounces deportations of asylum-seekers to Iraq

Jean Lambert MEP has criticized the Government’s decision to return or leave destitute 1,400 Iraqi asylum-seekers, whilst Jordan and Syria have been left to cope with the exodus of millions of Iraqi citizens since the conflict began. Ms Lambert was speaking ahead of a Stop The War demonstration taking place on Saturday 15 March at 12 noon in Trafalgar Square, which is expected to attract tens of thousands of protesters.

Jean Lambert MEP, who is a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs said:

“It is disgraceful that the UK Government is forcing Iraqi refugees back to a country that is still extremely dangerous. 80 people have been killed in shootings and bombings over the past week. No-one can honestly say that it is safe.

“Almost five million Iraqis have been displaced by violence in their country since 2003. Up to 1.5 million are living in Syria and a further 1 million have been taken into Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and the Gulf States. These countries are struggling to provide essential health services, housing and education, yet the UK Government is refusing to provide sanctuary for a 1,400 individuals.

“This is yet another example of the UK Government’s determination to increase the numbers of people being deported over-riding their commitments to human rights.

“The European Parliament has taken the view that no country should be forcibly returning people to Iraq and members of the Iraqi Parliament agree that return is dangerous and potentially destabilising for the country itself.

“The choice being given to people is face destitution in Britain or face destitution in Iraq. This clearly is no choice at all.”

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