Siân’s Budget Day message to Londoners

London is a great city but a tough place to live and work. Every day is budget day for Londoners. Here’s what I would do to make our city a greener, more affordable place for all of us.

Other cities can provide reasonably priced transport, why can’t London? Never mind a fares freeze, I’d cut all bus and off-peak tube fares by 20p.

Housing costs in London are mad. I’d make sure at least 60% of new homes in London were within the reach of the people who really keep this city running.

Instead of muscling out all the small, local businesses that give our communities an identity, I’d make sure any new shopping developments only got planning permission if they gave half their space over to small business at affordable rents.

Could you live on the minimum wage in the second most expensive city in the world? I will get all public employers to pay a London Living Wage of £7.20 and I’ll shame private employers who fail to match this.

And why is there so much talk about climate change but so little practical help? I’ll give free insulation to every home that needs it. And I’ll get low cost loans and real help for anyone who wants to put in renewable energy.

A Green London is a more affordable London. This time vote for something you believe in.


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