Government risks political disgrace if it fails to listen to public over Heathrow, says Green MEP

Next week the Government will close its public consultation on the proposed expansion of Heathrow airport amid widespread scepticism over the value of the exercise. Speaking ahead of a Westminster rally taking place on Monday 25 February, Jean Lambert Green MEP for London, said:

"By pressing ahead with a third runway at Heathrow, the Government is further demonstrating its double-standards, contradictions and failures on climate change.

"The Environmental Audit Committee has found that it will be impossible to meet future emissions targets if growth in air travel continues on the scale predicted by the Government. It is simply not possible to be both serious about tackling climate change and expanding airports: it has to be one or the other."

"With air quality and noise at already unacceptable levels around Heathrow, a third runway will mean more ill-health, more sleepless nights and huge disruption to communities and services. The area around Heathrow is already falling below EU air quality standards, and expanding the airport will make this worse, taking us further away from European objectives for clean and healthy air.

"We need to fully assess the effects of Heathrow upon health. To do that the Government must carry out a full health impact assessment of the airport.

"The Greens have consistently opposed airport expansion. We consider it totally irresponsible for the Government to set aside real concerns on the environment and health in favour of questionable economic arguments.

"There is deep scepticism about the value of the Government’s consultation, but as London’s Green MEP I will be responding to the proposals, with a resounding ‘no’. With numerous local MPs, local authorities, all the main London Mayoral candidates and two million residents opposed to the expansion, the Government must listen or it will pay a heavy political price."

The Stop Heathrow Expansion rally will take place on Monday 25 February 2008 at 7pm in Central Hall, Westminster, corner of Tothill St and Storey’s Gate.

Go to to take part in the Government consultation on the proposed expansion. Closing date for responses is 27 February 2008.

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