London MEP welcomes South Thames College students to European Parliament

Students from South Thames College visited the European Parliament in Brussels last week to find out about politics and decision-making in Europe as part of a trip sponsored by their London Green representative Jean Lambert MEP. The youngsters, aged between 16 and 18, enjoyed a tour of the Parliament building, before discussing life in Brussels and the role of the European Parliament with Ms Lambert.

Jean Lambert, who was a teacher in Walthamstow before becoming an MEP, said:

“It was a pleasure to welcome the South Thames College students to the European Parliament. We discussed a range of issues from how to become an MEP to the protection of human rights and the role of Europe. The visit gave them the chance to see the Parliament in action and get an idea of what it’s like to live and work abroad.

“It’s vital that young people understand politics so that they know how to influence the decisions that affect them. I hope that the students will feel inspired by their trip.”

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