Siân launches campaign for cheaper city living

Siân Berry, Green Party candidate for Mayor of London, today launched her campaign. Unveiling her new poster, a giant banknote bearing her portrait and the slogan "A Green London is a more affordable London," Siân outlined a raft of policies to boost availability of affordable housing, cut utility bills and reduce transport costs.

Siân also hit out at Tory Candidate for Mayor Boris Johnson’s comments on moving away from the emphasis on affordable housing.

Siân said: "London is the second most expensive city in the world, and while billions are made in the City, ordinary Londoners often struggle to pay for the basics – housing, energy and transport.

"Being Green is about believing in a fair share for everybody, so I’m determined to cut the astronomical cost of living and make a fairer, Greener London.

"Ensuring the availability of more affordable housing is crucial to London’s future, and the wellbeing of the city’s residents. Johnson’s comments show just how removed he is from most Londoner’s lives.

"By cutting fares, increasing the amount of affordable housing, and making London’s homes warm and dry with low fuel bills, I’ll take a huge chunk out of the burden of expenses Londoners carry, as well as improving health and quality of life. I’ll also provide more affordable premises for small businesses, take their side against the multinationals, and push for the London Living Wage to boost the economy and make it deliver for ordinary working Londoners.

"These plans will also slash the capital’s carbon footprint – 40% per cent of CO2 emissions come from our homes and 20% per cent from transport. We need to cut carbon emissions in all areas of our lives and my plans show that, done right, fighting climate change saves, not costs, money."

Siân’s plans for a greener, more affordable London:

  • Free insulation to every home that needs it.
  • Cuts to all bus fares and off-peak tube fares.
  • Increase the affordable housing requirement in the London Plan to 60 per cent.
  • All public employers to pay a living wage of at least £7.20 and robust pressure to be put on private employers to match this.
  • Student discount on public transport extended to pay-as-you-go.
  • Demand the write-off of housing debt so London can get building social housing again.
  • Affordable business premises for local businesses in all new large retail developments.
  • Solar electricity and heating on 100,000 roofs in the city by 2015.
  • Low cost loans and paperwork help for householders who want to install renewable energy technology.

Check out Siân’s campaign website at

Download Siân’s banknote poster (PDF)

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