London MEP supports UNISON’s ‘I Love NHS’ demonstration

Jean Lambert, London’s Green MEP, has today voiced her support for the UNISON demonstration “I Love NHS”, taking place on Saturday 3rd November. Thousands of people are expected to march through Westminster against financial cuts to the NHS and the creeping privatisation of the service, which they claim will have a negative impact on patient care.

Jean Lambert MEP said:

“We should treasure the fact that our NHS is universally accessible and must be vigilant about the threat from the Government to privatise. I do not believe that handing over the provision of services to private providers is in the best interests of the NHS or the people who rely on it.”

“Whilst we have an enviable health service there is much that can be done to improve it. The NHS performs poorly in comparison to other European countries on issues such as MRSA infection rates and waiting times. We need to invest more to ensure that all support staff receive appropriate training and are paid at least the living wage, currently £7.20 per hour in London. If we fail essential staff like cleaners we inevitably fail patients.”

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