European Commission avoids funding Polish college linked to anti-gay radio station

The European Commission has announced that it will not provide funds to a journalism school in Poland, linked to the ultra-conservative and homophobic Radio Maryja, following a written communication from Jean Lambert MEP and pressure from civil rights groups. Jean Lambert highlighted that the college was controlled by Tadeusz Rydzyk, a Catholic priest who heads the radio station that has been condemned for broadcasting homophobic, racist and xenophobic statements, and demanded that the Commission reassess its funding criteria.

The European Commission and the Polish Government have now agreed to add a new clause to the funding agreement for the EU Structural Funds. The clause would exclude the College of Social and Media Culture from accessing around €15 million in funds, as the money may now only be awarded to projects “which reflect European values”.

Jean Lambert MEP said:

“I am relieved that the European Commission has added this new clause to ensure that this EU funding will not be given to any institutions linked with anti-gay and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Radio Maryja represents the worst elements of the oppression and hatred of certain minority groups in Poland and communicates messages which reinforce homophobic behaviour.”

“We must ensure any future funding is only available to those that value all the civil rights that are respected in the European Union.”

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