Green MEP Demands End Of Guantanamo On 2000th Day

UK Green MEP, Jean Lambert has called for the release of people detainedwithout charge or trial and for the closure of Guantanamo Bay, and gaveher support to Cageprisoners when she joined the conference ‘Shaer AamerDetainee 239: A South London Man In Guantanamo.

Jean, who has been named top MEP for her work on Justice and HumanRights, said that the continuing use of Guantanamo demonstrated utterdisrespect for human rights and commented; “Everyone has the right toaccess a fair trial and humane conditions yet Guantanamo Bay ignoresthis completely.

“By continuing the use of Guantanamo the US has effectively given thegreen light for other regimes to detain prisoners and conductunacceptable torture like activities.

“The British Government has a responsibility to ensure the safety ofBritish residents remaining in the centre and bring an end to suchhorror for both them and their families. It is time to close Guantanamoand either release those detained or charge and try them in civiliancourts.”


For more information please contact:Morwenna Holland, Media Officer

Tel: 020 7407 6280Email:

Notes to editors:

Jean Lambert: In October 2005 Jean was named MEP 2005 for Justice andHuman Rights. Jean was first elected Green Party Member of the EuropeanParliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She wasre-elected in 2004. She is one of nine MEPs representing London and oneof two UK Green representatives in the European Parliament.

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