Charter Of Fundamental Rights Imperative For Future Progress Urges Green MEP

A minority of Governments are trying to reduce the significance of the Charter but whilst it indicates important European standards for working people, both Jean and the ETUC agree that it should be strictly observed by all Governments and employers.

As over 300 trade unionists gather at the European Parliament, Brussels in support of the Charter of Fundamental Rights Jean Lambert, who sits on the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee, gave her support and said; "In a modern Europe it is vital that any revised treaty should contain the Charter of Fundamental Rights and that member states, including the UK, should not use this as a bargaining chip.

"Our Governments all proclaim the importance of European values and human rights as an integral part of European Identity, yet here we have a practical way to demonstrate that commitment and some are backing away.

"Strengthening the protection of our fundamental rights will help ensure a counter balance to the current dominance of free trade in the treaties."


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