‘Open Legal Channels To End Migrant Misery’ Warns Green MEP

on Monday when she addresses the Strangers into Citizens rally in Trafalgar Square.

Many of those in irregular situations have had asylum claims refused or may have overstayed, and many of those who are in work are paying taxes and national insurance.

Jean, who is a member of the European Parliaments committee on Employment and Social Affairs, and has been awarded for her work on Justice and Human Rights, supported the call for a ‘one-off earned amnesty for migrants’ and said that tackling irregular migration effectively would mean tackling and regulating business interest in the illegal labour force.

Jean commented; "There are some organisations that welcome irregular migration and rely on the employment of those that will work for a poor wage and have few rights, to keep costs down and profits high.

"To ensure equal pay for all and deal with this appalling mistreatment, we have to challenge a lot of currently accepted practices and end this labour market exploitation. The most appropriate way to do this is by opening legal channels, providing people with the chance to change their status and become legal.

"Not only are migrants filling labour shortages here in the UK but the skills gaps as well, continuing to contribute to the economy and the rest of society. It is time to end the limbo many migrants are forced into and give them safety and security we all have a right to."


For more information please contact:Morwenna Holland, Media OfficerTel: 020 7407 6280 or 07813149812 Email: media@jeanlambertmep.org.uk www.jeanlambertmep.org.uk

Notes to editors: Jean Lambert: In October 2005 Jean was named MEP 2005 for Justice and Human Rights. Jean was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She was re-elected in 2004. She is one of nine MEPs representing London and one of two UK Green representatives in the European Parliament.

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