State Britain – an Exhibition to make a Difference

The Exhibition, described as an Art Attack on Tony Blair, is a complete reconstruction of Brian Haw’s Parliament Square demonstration before the Police confiscated it under SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime & Police Act). SOCPA is widely contested by many MP’s including Labour Challenger to Gordon Brian – John McDonnell; because of it’s restriction on the British Citizen’s right to protest.

Miranda Dunn said: "It was great to be there with Brian and so many Peace Protesters. Mark Wallinger’s reconstruction of Brian’s protest is incredibly powerful. You won’t have to cross Parliament Square’s traffic or risk arrest to see the information about the effects of depleted uranium, on Afghanistan and Iraq’s innocent children, and our British soldiers. It has all the hardhitting emotional impact without the traffic fumes. You can now visit Brian in Parliament Square for the truth about Iraq or you can visit the Tate. Its up to you."

Mark Wallinger, and other supporters, also attended Horseferry Road Magistrates Court on Monday 22nd January, 2007 to hear Magistrate Quentin Purdy’s ruling on the legality of Brian’s protest. Purdy’s judgement sided with Brian Haw’s Q.C. Mr Ian Macdonald, who had submitted "no case to answer" in respect of a complaint contrary to S134 Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCA).

District Judge Purdy concluded that "the Commissioner cannot delegate his powers under SOCA as he purported to do." In other words Inspector Terry was not legally within his powers in denying Brian the right to protest or seeking to confine his protest in the manner he did. The judgement was a cause for celebration; although the serious ongoing nature of the protest means that the Government will continue to place pressure on the Police to restrict Brian Haw’s Protest.

Purdy’s ruling includes these words which pay a true compliment to Mr Ian MacDonald, Q.C. : "Mr Ian MacDonald’s cross examination of Police witnesses was a master class in demonstrating the absurdity of some conditions set against another."

Our freedom of speech and the right to protest is not just being defended by staunch protestors like Mr Brian Haw; it is also being defended by some very fine representatives of the Law. In this case not only Mr Ian Macdonald Q.C. but also District Judge Purdy.

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