‘Local Action For National Impact’ Urges Green MEP

Jean who has been the capitals Green Euro MP since 1999 was the main speaker of the evening and with years of experience as a local activist made the link between local action and international policy.

Speaking after the meeting Jean said; "There is a feeling of growing consensus on what needs to be done, but there is still a real frustration that the speed at which things happen is just too slow and the different bits of policy just don’t match up properly.

"Informed local activists can however be the people to make that vital difference in seeing that policy is put into practise and change happens at every level. When a local community pulls together they are an unshakable force that can ultimately make changes on a national scale. They make politicians act."

London 21 Sustainability Network promotes, supports and networks community based initiatives for a greener, healthier and more sustainable Greater London.


For more information please contact:Morwenna Holland, Media Officertel: 020 7407 6280 or 07813149812 email: media@jeanlambertmep.org.uk www.jeanlambertmep.org.uk

Notes to editors: Jean Lambert: In October 2005 Jean was named MEP 2005 for Justice and Human Rights. Jean was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She was re-elected in 2004. She is one of nine MEPs representing London and one of two UK Green representatives in the European Parliament.

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