Three young Londoners brought the European Parliament to life last night at the premiere of ‘EU4! Your Voice can make a difference!’, the new DVD from London’s Green Euro MP, Jean Lambert.

With the European Parliament seemingly so far away Jean Lambert knows it can be difficult for young people to understand how they can make their view heard and commissioned the film, made by a group of young people, to help develop such understanding.

At last nights premiere, where Jean was joined by some of the ‘stars’ of the DVD, Jean explained how the DVD made an excellent educational tool for teachers, youth groups, students and budding young politicians.

Jean, who was a teacher herself in Walthamstow before becoming an MEP said; "Made up of 732 MEPs representing 25 countries across the EU, the European Parliament impacts on our lives in more ways than we often realise. It can however be extremely difficult for young people to understand how the parliament works let alone how they can use it to get their voice heard and make a difference back here in the UK.

"As our starting point for the DVD we took ideas that had come from previous work I had completed with another group of young people and demonstrated how elected representatives can take these forward. By working together we can make the positive changes we all need for a better future."

Jean thanked and praised Noureddine Touak, Thomas Demmer, and Hanad Y Ahmed Abdilleh, all students at Newham Sixth Form College, who received training and work experience from Redcurrent Films whilst making the DVD both in the UK and in Brussels.

Speaking after the filming Noureddine Touak, 18, from Newham was enthusiastic about the process and said; "It’s been a great experience that made me feel special and focused my mind."

Thomas Deemer, 17, also from Newham echoed his thoughts commenting: "I’ve really enjoyed the experience of going to Belgium and filming for the Green Party." Hanad Y Ahmed Abdilleh, 18 from Hackney added; "Making the DVD was exciting, something different!"


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For more information please contact:Morwenna Holland, Media Officertel: 020 7407 6280 or 07813149812 email:

Notes to editors: Jean Lambert: In October 2005 Jean was named MEP 2005 for Justice and Human Rights. Jean was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She was re-elected in 2004. She is one of nine MEPs representing London and one of two UK Green representatives in the European Parliament.

EU4U! Your voice can make a difference!: The film is made by a group of young people from Newham and Hackney, East London who received training and work experience as a professional film crew, supervised by experienced film makers. It explores the link between their immediate environment and their quality of life. The film builds on research previously commissioned by Jean Lambert MEP and undertaken by Capacity Global, which looked at young people’s attitudes towards their environment. It shows how Jean Lambert is bringing these findings to the policy process in the European Parliament.

Redcurrent Films: EU4U! was produced by Redcurrent Films. Based in London and Brighton, Redcurrent Films develop and produce films for cinema, television and education. One of their main aims is to develop and encourage new talent through working on participatory and work experience projects with young people.

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