Green MEP question Reid’s move over EU migrants

Green MEP, Jean Lambert, has today questioned John Reid’s move to block EU Migrants and his assumption that EU nationals should be in low paid jobs.

Jean, who is London’s Green MEP and sits on the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, where she works on issues including immigration, social inclusion and workers’ rights today said it was extremly disapointing that Mr Reid had not been able to see the benefits many Bulgarian and Romanian citizens could bring to the UK.

Jean commented; "John Reid’s moves to implement a migrant ceiling is particularly worrying but his assumption that EU Nationals should be in low paid, often low skilled, jobs is of great concern. All EU citizens have a right to a good standard of living and the same opportunities British citizens enjoy. As a fellow member of the EU it is vital the UK respects that.

"The ‘hysteria’ surrounding the number of Romanian and Bulgarian migrants hoping to enter the UK as a result of their accession to the European Union, is completely unjustified and the benefits immigrants would bring to Britain are yet again being overshadowed by the challenges people fear we will face. It is really important that migrant workers find themselves in a fully legal situation.

"Migrants are leaving their countries for a variety of reasons and the UK Government must understand and take into account the reasons that are prompting people to move. We should not, and cannot, stop Eastern European immigrants arriving in the country in search of a better life with higher wages. If we want to reduce the number of people moving, we must improve economies elsewhere."

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