Harrow Cllr defects to the Greens

The Green Party today welcomed Cllr Mark Ingram of Harrow Council to the Green Party. Formally a Labour Councillor, he became Independent when the war in Iraq began. Today, he joined the Green Party.

Green London Assembly Member Jenny Jones AM commented: "The Green Party were, and continue to be, the only viable political party consistently opposed to the war, and millions around the country agree with us. But, despite the largest political demonstration in recent political history, the Labour government continues to wage war. I welcome Mark’s decision to join us. The Green Party seek to promote the causes of democracy and peace wherever we can, reflecting the wishes and needs of the people we represent at every level."

Cllr Ingram, flanked by M and B,* two Iraquis currently visiting the UK and staying with him, cited the war as his primary reason for leaving Labour and joining the Greens: "If Labour’s vote holds up in the forthcoming local elections, Blair can say the Iraq effect is ‘dead’…and move on to Iran."

"If you want honesty in politics, you have to vote for it. If you want informed, open debate on difficult choices, not more sales talk, voting Green is the way to get it."

M and B then talked of life in Iraq today. M commented: "I would estimate that reconstruction has only been achieved to about 10% of Iraq’s original infrastructure. There are only two hours of electricity a day, and water is constantly turned off without warning. There are no regular supplies of petrol, you have to wait for up to eight hours sometimes at a petrol station in order to get half a tank of petrol."

B, when asked about the role of the police in protecting ordinary Iraquis in day to day life, commented: "In the UK, there may be one murder at a time and the police investigate it, but in Iraq with so many happening a day, how can they investigate it properly?"


For further information, including transcripts of the speeches given today, please contact the press office on 020 7561 0282

NB: *Names have been changed to preserve M and B’s safety

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