‘Learn from the mistakes of Chernobyl and end nuclear’

20 years on from the world’s worst nuclear accident Green Euro MP Jean Lambert, has remembered those that lost their lives and warned that a nuclear future in the UK is too dangerous and simply cannot be justified

Jean, who is Green MEP for London, will submit a Written Declaration to the European Parliament on Wednesday (26th April) calling for a world-wide ban on chemical weapons and ultimately nuclear power that has destroyed thousands of lives.

Jean spoke of the deep sadness she felt following the explosion and for those affected by the fallout. Jean said; "20 years have past since the Chernobyl disaster and today we are still learning about the true effects it had on the world.

"No one can tell the Welsh farmers when they may be able to stop checking for radioactivity in their livestock and no one knows the total number of lives affected. Thousands of lives around the world have been lost and damaged because of the explosion in April 1986 and we can not forget the lessons that have been learnt since then," continued the Green MEP for London.

"Tony Blair however is still prepared to embark on an unnecessary road to nuclear power and put the UK at risk of a catastrophic accident that could damage our health, environment and economy for generations to come. Instead of nuclear we need to invest in the 21 renewable technologies available in the UK that are affordable safe and clean and do not threaten the planet. With the ability to meet our electricity needs three times over with the use of wind power at sea alone in the UK, there is absolutely no reason to install a new generation of nuclear power and risk another tragic accident like Chernobyl."

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