Greens want less talk, more action, on school dinners in London

· Unhealthy vending machines out of schools;· A return to the London wide system of training for meal supervisors and booklet of meal sheets which was abandoned in the nineteen eighties;· Healthy eating to be integrated into the primary school curriculum; · A system of involving: parents; celebrity chiefs; organizations like the Soil Association and farmers within the London region· Action on primary schools, not just secondary.

Jenny Jones AM commented, “Many of us are worried that nutritional standards in schools have got worse, not better, in many areas. Jamie Oliver has done a brilliant job highlighting the poor state of school meals and there are many other inspirational examples of parents and school dinner ladies transforming school meal times.”

Notes to Editors

Jenny Jones has also appointed by the Mayor of London as chair of London Food, which is the body charged with drawing up the Government’s food strategy in London.

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