The Olympics – wrong time; not green and opposed locally

1) Wrong timeDarren Johnson, a Green Party member of the London Assembly, said:

"I would dearly love to see London hosting the Olympics one day but we are simply rushing into this bid when we have far more pressing priorities. At the current time public money would be much better spent on bread and butter issues such as improving housing and transport and creating jobs. Supporters of the bid say it will aid regeneration but will such promises turn into reality? We don’t want any more Dome fiascos where huge sums of taxpayers money are squandered on white elephants."

2) Not green enoughGreens have been seeking a London Olympics Games which is a showcase for environmental excellence. A green Olympics would include the following features, which the bid has failed to deliver

·  Carbon neutral games which produces no net emissions of climate change gases.·  New facilities are wholly powered by renewable energy.·  A Green Grid of green spaces and route ways to be the foundation of the Olympics’ land use master plan.·  Enforceable mechanisms to ensure local people and businesses benefit from jobs and contracts.·  Lasting legacy of sports facilities for community use, which support grass roots participation.·  All transport for spectators to be by public transport, walking or cycling, backed by no spectator car parking except for disabled.· Official vehicles to be zero emission, i.e. electric, or hydrogen.·  Safe cycle links to all Olympic venues and an easy to use bike hire scheme for visitors.

3) Local oppositionGreen Party member of the London Assembly, Jenny Jones, has taken up the case of the East London residents who use East Marsh in Hackney, which is being turned into a temporary car park for the games. She feels that the alternatives to using green spaces were not properly considered, such as closing Orient Way road to accommodate coaches (as is done near Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium) or using existing parking areas nearby. Planning permission has been rushed through to build the car park, despite initial promises from the Mayor that this wouldn’t happen.

Jenny said:

"Why is the first reaction of the planners to concrete over green space, rather than using the tarmac which is already there. Many local residents are very upset by both the decision and the way it has been rushed through. This decision lacks both environmental and democratic credentials"

"Whilst there are a few showpiece environmental projects being put forward as part of the games, these fall well short of guarantees which would cover all the buildings, facilities and transport arrangements."

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