Green light for London Mayor’s Budget

As well as affirming previous commitments to the Greens on reducing pollution through the creation of a Low Emission Zone and a Climate Change Agency, the Mayor has agreed to go further and faster on many new green initiatives. A letter from Ken Livingstone outlines a large package of measures, including:

· More money for Safe Routes to School and Road Safety.· Additional funds for local projects which promote wildlife and green spaces.· Cycle Parking in schools and money for training all year 5 and 6 pupils.· Additional resources to ensure the effective operation of the Living Wage Unit and enhanced work on the empty homes strategy.· The production of renewable energy for the tube to be a top priority of the new Climate Change Agency.· New training and skills initiative for green energy and sustainable construction.· At least £20m spent in the coming year creating and improving parks and public spaces in London, with a commitment to support the whole "Green Grid" network of green spaces in the Thames Gateway.· Local road safety policing funded from the enforcement of Red Routes.· Community planning officer to provide advice to local people on the planning process and how to influence it.· Increased support for London’s waterways.· A commitment to making £50,000 available to support local residents in presenting their concerns to the Thames Gateway Bridge inquiry.

Green Party Assembly Member, Jenny Jones AM said:

"This budget means cleaner air, clearer streets and fewer deaths on the road. It means more parks, green spaces and wildlife. It is hopefully a turning point in the history of London, where the city starts producing more of its own energy, dealing with its own waste and building homes and offices which don’t damage the environment."

Green Party Assembly Member, Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, said:

"Not only have Greens secured additional resources for homelessness, the environment and green transport measures, the Council Tax increase has come down from 33p per week to 26p per week. This is a good deal for Londoners."

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Notes to Editors:

1. A copy of the Mayor’s letter to the Green Assembly Members detailing the full commitments is available from the Green Group offices.2. The Green Grid will be a network of interconnected green spaces extending through East London and beyond. It will link communities to the Thames and green belt, create recreational open space, provide walking and cycling routes and support flood risk management.

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