Other celebrities who are supporting Green Party candidates include animal welfare activist Joanna Lumley, model, Twiggy Lawson, actors Jeremy Irons and Juliet Stevenson, former Python Terry Jones, Anita Roddick, architect Richard Rogers and cartoonist Ralph Steadman.

Anita Roddick said, "The Green Party is the only party to offer a radical and coherent alternative to the politics of war and big business"

The Green Party is well known for its commitment to animal rights and Joanna Lumley who lives in Caroline Lucas’s constituency said,

"Caroline has made a huge contribution on animal welfare issues such as live exports, banning the import on cat and dog fur, and helping to save the Iberian Lynx from extinction."

Founder of the Don’t Shoot Campaign, Charles Bailey, Comedian and political activist Mark Thomas climate scientist Norman Myers, Artist Anish Kapoor, author John Fowles are among others who are campaigning for Green politicians to be re-elected.


· Darren Johnson is 38 and was selected as the Green Party’s candidate for Mayor of London in May 2003. He was elected to the London Assembly in May 2000 where he is Leader of the Green Party Group. He was also elected to Lewisham Council in May 2002.

· The Mayoral election will be held on June 10th at the same time as the elections for the London Assembly and the European Parliament. At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.

· Darren Johnson’s vision for a sustainable Green London can be found on his website

· Jean Lambert is London’s Green Member of the European Parliament and she is No 1 on the list for the London Green Party. Her website is

· Green Party Assembly Members are Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Deputy Mayor Jenny Jones AM and Noel Lynch AM

· Biographies for all candidates are available from London Press Officer, Penny Kemp 07711 760692 or


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