London’s deputy mayor visits Thornton Heath to call for action on gun crime

While overall crime in London is falling, crime involving guns is increasing, and the biggest rise is in the use of replica guns. Jenny, as a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, has produced a report illustrating the increasing amount of crime involving such weapons.

"I’m coming to Croydon because it’s one of the areas being affected by a small number of young people – mainly men – who think it adds to their street credibility to show a gun, says Jenny.

"It’s possible, although difficult, to get real guns. But it’s very easy to find replica guns on sale. The government is banning the possession of replicas in public, but is still allowing them to be sold.

"The Green Party believes we should close down the arms trade in its entirety, and as a first step ban the manufacture or sale of imitation guns. We need to give the message that there is simply no legitimate reason to have guns in circulation. Londoners want safer streets and less fear of crime."

Shasha Khan added, "There were 150 crimes involving guns in Croydon last year, the tenth worst in London. Plus one in the last few weeks where a man was shot by police. We don’t know yet the circumstances of this killing, but we do know that 150 gun incidents is 150 too many. It’s appalling that the government has recently ruled out banning replica guns."


Jenny Jones is a Green Party Assembly Member and Deputy Mayor of London. She is No 1 on the list for the London Assembly Elections. Darren Johnson is the Green Party Mayoral Candidate and No 2 on the list for the London Assembly Elections

The London Assembly and the European Parliament elections will be held on June 10th, the same day as the Mayoral Election. At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly

Green Party Assembly Members are Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Deputy Mayor Jenny Jones AM and Noel Lynch AM

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