Noel saves the day – Green Party Assembly Member demands police return protestor Brian Haw’s placards

Noel Lynch said, "As I speak, the police are returning all the banners belonging to Brian Haw. I can confirm Brian is back protesting in his usual place. I believe this action by the police was politically inspired. If there was a bomb scare caused by a parked car, why did the police endanger their own lives by removing the banners from the scene?"

Noel Lynch continued, "The Prime Minister and the police should be investigating the incidents of torture and abuse in Iraq. These are the people who should be arrested, not the protesters who have every right to peacefully protest in this country."

The Green Party has consistently opposed the war in Iraq. Along with Greenpeace, CND, CATT and comedian Mark Thomas, The Green Party called for the International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes committed in Iraq. Lawyers at Matrix Chambers declared the War on Iraq was illegal.

Noel Lynch concluded, "In view of the latest allegations and Tony Blair’s statement that he knew nothing of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, despite the Red Cross having affirmed that they brought prisoner abuse to the attention of the authorities, it is more essential than ever that an independent court conducts a full inquiry."


Further information, interviews: Penny Kemp 07711 760692

Published and promoted by Chris Cotton on behalf of London Green Party both at 1a Waterlow Road, London N19 5NJ

Printed by Penny Kemp, Press Officer on behalf of London Green Party at 1a Waterlow Rd, London N19 5NJ

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