Green Party Deputy Mayor Jenny Jones ‘rides out’ with ten year ‘critical mass’ global celebration

The London ride is one of many happening on the same day in cities all over the world, from Delhi to Tokyo, from Adelaide to Zurich, from Rio de Janeiro to the three separate rides in San Francisco, where the mass is so big it has to split up.

People are keen to celebrate the way that cycling has come back from the brink of extinction in London. Some local authorities have made a real effort to encourage cycling as the healthy, non polluting option. Also, because of the congested roads and over crowded tubes, cycling is also increasingly seen as one of the quickest and most reliable ways of getting around in the capital.

The overall increase in the number of cyclists in London has also been given a boost with the introduction of congestion charging leading to a 30% increase in cyclists going into central London.

Jenny Jones said: "This is more than a celebration of pedal power; it is an alternative way of looking at our wonderful city. Things are definitely getting better for cyclists in some parts of London, but we need to spread the good ideas and put some real funding behind them. One of the biggest changes I’m proud of is the fact that we now have 500 trained police officers on bikes in London."

She continued, "I find it amazing that in the last four years, we have spent almost twice as much on strengthening road bridges in London to take 40 tonne lorries, than we have spent on cycling. Although, we now have more cycle parking and training for school children, we still don’t have a joined up network of cycle lanes. We have 20mph zones and congestion charging, but we still have too many accidents. Many people desperately want to cycle, but they don’t want to risk it on London roads.

Jenny concluded, "As road safety officer for London, I am determined to ensure that cycling is safe in London. That is why Greens on the London Assembly have called for a massive increase in the cycling budget. We want to see many more people of all ages on bikes because it is healthy, enjoyable and a fun way to get around. Most of all, it is a non- polluting way of travelling."


Photo opp: South Bank, Waterloo Bridge, Friday, April 30th 6 p.m.

Jenny Jones Green Party Deputy Mayor of London rides out with critical mass


  • Jenny Jones is a Green Party Assembly Member and Deputy Mayor of London. She is No 1 on the list for the London Assembly Elections. Darren Johnson is the Green Party Mayoral Candidate and No 2 on the list for the London Assembly Elections.

· The London Assembly and the European Parliament elections will be held on June 10th, the same day as the Mayoral Election… At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.


· Darren Johnson’s vision for a sustainable Green London can be found on his website

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