Darren launches plan for a Green London

Darren is lambasting Mayor Livingstone’s ‘London Plan’, with its emphasis on massive growth in London’s corporate financial sector and new office space: the equivalent of an additional seventy-five Canary Wharfs. Tomorrow, Darren launches his own alternative ‘Plan for a Green London’.

"We need planning policies that meet the needs of London’s communities, not serve the interests of mega-rich property developers. And we need openness and transparency in planning decisions, rather than cosy deals with big business" said Darren.

Darren is highly critical of Mayor Livingstone’s record on planning, which includes:

– meeting with property developers but refusing to meet objectors- holding all planning meetings in private- backing planning permission for the destruction of green space, such as Erith Marshes in South East London- backing major traffic generating schemes, road building schemes and airport expansion- backing expansion of city office space at the expense of community facilities, which has led to the destruction of half of the historic Spitalfields Market, for example.

"I don’t just see London as one huge sprawling metropolis but a city of around 300 urban villages, each with quality local services, a strong voice for the local community and thriving local economy. That is the vision behind my Plan for Green London," says Darren.

Plan for a Green London – Darren’s key policies as Mayor include:

1. All the Mayor’s planning meetings to be held in public. Objectors will have the same right to present their case as developers

2. Defending London’s green spaces, rivers and wildlife

3. 100 per cent of new development to be on brown-field land

4. A GLA Community Planning Liaison Officer and planning advisory team – to advise local communities on planning applications and the objection procedure

5. Reducing the need to travel as a strategic goal, with a halt to major traffic-generating developments

6. Greater support for small businesses, including targets for affordable business premises in new commercial developments

7. Ensuring decent high-quality public services and amenities are within walking distance for everyone

8. All new housing developments to include at least 60 per cent truly affordable housing

9. Ambitious targets for car-free housing, giving more space to house people, less for car-parks

10. Ensuring all new developments are carbon neutral and making solar panels compulsory on all new buildings

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