Truth Decay – stop mass fluoridation of water – street theatre in Barnet

Jean will be joined by Noel Lynch, Green London Assembly Member and Miranda Dunn, Green London Assembly candidate for Barnet and Camden. They will be supporting Ashley Gunstock, actor and Green Party candidate for Havering and Redbridge, who will be taking the lead role in a street theatre performance of Truth Decay.

The Government passed the Water Bill in September 2003, which permits the health Authorities to compel water companies to fluoridate the drinking water supply. Noel Lynch, the first Irish born member of the London Assembly said,

"The Republic of Ireland is Europe’s most fluoridated country, yet it doesn’t have Europe’s best teeth. Dentists in Ireland, who are usually pro-fluoridation, have been expressing concern about the effects of bottle-feeding babies with formula made up using fluoridated water."

"And residents of the fluoridated Republic are 40% more likely to suffer bone cancer than residents of non-fluoridated Northern Ireland. Bone cancer is one of the medical problems which has been linked to fluoride, because fluoride is a cumulative poison that builds up in the bones, so it may be that fluoride is causing a lot of cancer in Ireland.".

Jean Lambert, London’s Green Party MEP said, "Britain should learn from the Irish experience. The bottom line is that tooth decay is caused by poor diet, eating too much sugar and not brushing your teeth properly. Fluoridation doesn’t address any of those problems, which is why fluoridation is a lot less effective than education when it comes to tooth decay."

"Greens have consistently argued for locally produced GM free food, more open spaces, safe routes for schools, more cycle lanes and the promotion of walking. These simple measures would do more to improve the nation’s health rather than Government enforced medication."

Noel Lynch concluded, "The government should leave the right to choose or refuse medication in the hands of the individual, where it belongs. The proper role for politicians is firstly to uphold citizens’ rights – like the right not to be medicated without consent – and secondly to promote public health by the proper means, including education and poverty reduction.


Photo opportunity: Saturday 24th April 1.00 pm Venue: outside Spires Shopping Centre, High Barnet. Contact: Penny Kemp 07711 760692; on the day, contact Noel Lynch 07961 441722

Jean Lambert Green MEP, Noel Lynch AM, Miranda Dunn Green Party Assembly Candidate for Barnet and Camden and members of Barnet Green Party

See Truth Decay: Challenging New Labour’s propaganda on water fluoridation, published by the Green Party of England & Wales

Mass studies in Canada, New Zealand and the USA have found no significant difference in tooth decay levels between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. In New Zealand, teeth were found to be slightly better in the non-fluoridated areas than in the fluoridated areas. The British government’s own review concluded that fluoridation would reduce tooth decay by 0.4 of a tooth per child on average. The review found "little evidence" that fluoridation would reduce dental health inequalities.

The elections for the European Parliament and the London Assembly will be held on 10th June 2004. The Mayoral elections will also be held on the 10th June. At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.

Jean Lambert is the Green MEP for London. Her website is where you will find further information about Jean’s achievements as London’s first Green MEP.

Darren Johnson’s vision for a sustainable Green London can be found on his website

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