Greens launch new CD – Paint the whole world Green

The CD is aimed at reaching young people who to date have not shown an interest in voting and feel a disconnection between politicians and themselves.

Latest research from the Electoral Commission shows that fewer than one in five of the 18-25 year-olds intend to vote in 2004.

Darren Johnson said, “Politicians must reverse this trend. It is not healthy for democracy and shows the deep rooted scepticism in the traditional political process.”

Producing this CD with Charles has been a great and new experience for the Green Party politicians.

Darren Johnson said, “Although I don’t expect we will get on Top of the Pops, we are keen to reach out to new voters. Recording Paint The Whole World Green is a fun way of getting across a serious message.”

Charles Bailey agrees, “I want people to know that there are more than three parties and that the Green Party is a serious choice for people in London. The Greens are very much an anti-racist party, which is one of their main tenets. They’re very concerned about gun crime.”

”Greens are naturals”, continued Charles, “it is important that people hear about the Green Party and what better way to capture people’s attention than to make a record.” Charles Bailey is also producing the London Green Party election broadcast, which will be a music video, the first ever produced for an election.

Charles Bailey is no stranger to the world of politics. He has worked with veteran politician Tony Benn, the Fire Brigades Union and the Metropolitan Police as well as launching the Don’t Shoot! Anti-violence Campaign aimed at curbing youth crime through education.

Britain’s premier black newspaper The Voice has recognised the growing support for the Greens. In a piece entitled ‘Black is the New Green’, Simon Woolley from Operation Black Vote said, “The Green Party should be a viable option for black people in London.”

The six track CD ‘Paint the Whole World Green’ features the Green politicians together with a chorus of black singers with a Stevie Wonder style tune. Since word of the CD has got out, Charles has been approached by the Australian and New Zealand Green Parties.

The CD will be on sale (price £5) from Monday 19th April and can be ordered from The Green Party 020 7272 4474

Charles Bailey’s website can be found at

The elections for London Mayor, London Assembly and the European Parliament will be held on June 10th . At the last London Assembly elections, the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.

The Green Party mayoral candidate is Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly.

Darren Johnson’s vision for a sustainable Green London can be found on his website

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