Green outrage at MPA Sylvester ruling – Noel Lynch AM demands that further discussions are held in open session

Mr. Sylvester died in 1999, seven days after being handcuffed by officers outside his home in north London. An inquest held last October into the death of Mr. Sylvester found that he was killed unlawfully.

“This is nothing short of a disgrace," said Noel Lynch. “Green Party members of the MPA do not agree with the decision and find it appalling that the Sylvester family have to find their own monies to clear Roger’s name as they have been refused legal aid. An inquest jury found that Mr. Sylvester was held in restraint too long, medical attention was lacking and no attempt was made to alter the position of restraint.”

Noel Lynch continued, “Public money is now going to fund a legal challenge to a properly conducted inquest but the victim’s family is being denied the right to public funds. This decision does nothing to help foster good working relationships with the black community. Justice demands fairness on both sides.”

The cost of the judicial review is likely to exceed £40,000 and could even double if the officers lose their case.

Noel Lynch concluded, “I will be bringing this up again at the next full meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority which is next Thursday morning at 10.00 a.m. I shall be further insisting that this is debated in open forum and not behind closed doors.”


Further information, interviews:Penny Kemp 07711 760692

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