Erith Marshes statement beggars belief, say Greens

said Noel Lynch, Green Party Member of the London Assembly, responding to Tilfen Land’s press statement on East Thamesmead Business Park.

"Tilfen Land Ltd are building a massive industrial business park on Southmere Green at Erith Marshes, a precious area of rare grazing marsh.

The whole of the marsh area, not simply the perimeter, has been judged to be of ecological importance by the Greater London Authority Biodiversity Team, London Wildlife Trust, the Environment Agency, English Nature, and the Bexley LA21 Natural Environment Focus Group, amongst others.

This assessment has been accepted by the London Mayor, Bexley Biodiversity Action Plan and "Managing the Marshes" Project.

Any neglect of the Southmere Green marshland has been caused by Tilfen Land or its predecessor, Thamesmead Town. Thamesmead Town caused some rubble to be dumped on the marshland, and failed to use some £70m, received in compensation, for the purpose of cleaning up a small corner which had been polluted by a farmer who had occupied the land.

As owner and custodian, Tilfen has a duty to look after and manage the marshland. Building a huge industrial development would destroy, not enhance it," explained Noel.

Bexley Council has received over 2000 letters of concern about Southmere Green, demonstrating widespread opposition to its development – not merely opposition from a small minority, as claimed by Tilfen.

Tilfen Land inherited Southmere Green from the public sector, and is owned by a charitable trust and housing association. Tilfen should be ashamed of the environmental destruction it proposes to cause.

But it is not too late for the company to change tack and save its environmental reputation by genuinely protecting this wonderful marshland.


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