Greens warn of pressures from massive population growth in London

The Greens are arguing that a predicted additional 700,000 people in London will inevitably put more pressure on green space.

"Greens want affordable housing and new council housing, but fundamental questions do need to be asked about the massive projected growth in London’s population," said Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green party group in the London Assembly.

"Without proper protection for the green belt, the whole of the South East would very likely become one huge urban sprawl," he continued.

"Until we have a more balanced approach to regional development across the country as a whole, these pressures will continue," declared Darren.

"It is also particularly ludicrous to have every single scrap of land in London and the South East being eyed up by developers, when the populations of other regions, such as the North West and the North East, are actually declining," concluded Darren.


The Bank’s brief was to examine the housing supply and explain why demand for housing only falls slightly when prices rise.


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